About Us
We’re here to help
If your company is based in Melbourne or Sydney, Century Couriers is here to get your shipment where you need it to go, when you need it to get there.
Our commitments to you:
- We value our customers and treat them with respect at all times to ensure your delivery goals are met.
- Our responsible environmental policies and practices ensure we operate as sustainably as possible.
- We always aim to exceed your expectations and add value at every opportunity to ensure a great experience for our customers.
- No delivery job is too challenging for Century Couriers – our experienced staff think outside the box to ensure your delivery goals are met.

Tools and reporting:
Century Couriers is proud to offer our customers a personalised process from start to finish, with a suite of industry-leading tools that can be customised to reflect your company’s branding.
We offer:
- Real-time updates on vehicle progress
- SMS notifications on approach with real-time ETA and your branding
- Live tracking with your URL on our tracking link
- Contactless delivery solutions
- Printed labels with our barcode or yours
- Photo PODS
- Complete suite of cost analysis tools
- DIFOT reporting
- Monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs)
- Report detailing GPS coordinates of the route taken
- Reporting of the length of route and location en route
- Total cost and cost analysis per site
- Chain of Responsibility (CoR)
- Safe Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Regular Audits
- Pre-Start Checks
- Driver Fatigue Management
- Drug and Alcohol Policy
- Modern Slavery Policy
Century Couriers and its sub contractors (owner-drivers) are fully compliant with NHVR obligations. These include fatigue management, maintaining the records required by law, ensuring vehicles do not exceed mass or dimension limits, ensuring proper load restraint, performing exemplary vehicle maintenance, obeying speed limits and road rules, reporting hazards and risks, and communication and consultation.
Century Couriers’ Safe Operating Procedures (SOPs) for drivers have been fully vetted and approved by regulatory bodies. We have SOPs for personal protective equipment, load restraint, working safely around forklifts, working at heights, safe manual handling, and chain of responsibility. SOPs are included in our driver induction training and all trainees receive a copy of our SOP booklet.
Century Couriers is committed to developing systems for its owner-drivers that will provide and maintain a work environment that is safe and without risk to health. To achieve this objective, Century Couriers has implemented policies and procedures that are in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004. Owner-drivers have a duty to follow our company’s occupational health and safety policies, procedures, and instructions. Breaches of these policies and procedures may result in termination of contract. Progress, performance, and compliance with policies and procedures are continuously monitored and assessed by our driver management team. Spot checks are conducted regularly on vehicles, personal protective equipment (PPE), and load restraint equipment. Full scheduled audits of our entire fleet are conducted twice per year.
At least once per week, all drivers must conduct a pre-start vehicle inspection. The inspections include (but are not limited to):
- Fluids and oil levels
- Lights and indicator operation
- Brake and steering function check
- Wheel and tyre checks
- Windscreen and window condition and wiper/washer operation
- Seat belts
- Horn
- Reverse beeper
- Ensuring there are no loose objects in the cabin as these may wedge under foot controls or obstruct the driver’s foot from connecting with the brake, clutch, or accelerator
- A comprehensive check of all load-binding slings, chains, dogs, ratchets, ropes, belts, and all other gear associated with securing a load.
In addition to the weekly pre-start vehicle inspections, owner-drivers must:
- Ensure that their vehicle is roadworthy by having it serviced when due and as required
- Complete a daily pre-start declaration via their driver app declaring they are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, are mentally and physically fit for work, and have a valid driver’s license. No work will be allocated to them until they have done so.
Century Couriers’ internal systems ensure compliance with all driver fatigue requirements. Drivers are given the following instructions:
- Get enough sleep before you drive/work
- You must not work more than five hours without taking at least a 30-minute break
- You must not work more than 12 hours over 24 hours (including breaks and non-driving duties)
- In a 24-hour period you must have at least 10 hours of rest (six of the 10 hours must be continuous rest)
- You must not work more than 72 hours in one week (seven days). A driver who works a maximum 72-hour week is required to take at least 24 hours of continuous rest
- Look after your health and fitness by eating well and exercising regularly
- Let your Radio Operator know if you feel tired and need to rest or if you are close to exceeding any of the above limits
General Health:
If you have or develop a condition that may impact your driving, manual handling, or other work duties, you must notify your Radio Operator as soon as possible.
Some symptoms of driver fatigue to look out for:
- Constant yawning
- Slowed reactions
- Heavy or sore eyes
- Blurred vision
- Poor concentration
- Impatience
- Not remembering the last few kilometers/minutes of your trip
Century Couriers is committed to maintaining a healthy workplace free from the effects of alcohol and drug abuse. An owner-driver’s health and work performance may be greatly hindered where there is an alcohol or drug dependency. Our Company understands that this is a highly complex but treatable health issue and regards dependency as an illness. We will therefore encourage those afflicted to seek treatment and, where possible, we will offer assistance to such workers. An owner-driver must not perform any job/company business if under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This excludes prescribed medication that does not have an intoxicating effect or alter behavior. Breaches of this policy may result in dismissal. Please note, drivers of vehicles with a gross vehicle mass (GVM) of greater than 4.5 tonnes must have zero blood alcohol concentration whilst working/driving.
The Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 came into force in Australia on January 1st, 2019. Modern slavery is defined in the Act as including the following eight types of serious exploitation:
- Trafficking in persons
- Slavery
- Servitude
- Forced marriage
- Forced labour
- Debt bondage
- Deceptive recruiting for labour or services
- Child labour
Our Company provides road transport services (couriers and taxi trucks) to metropolitan, country, and interstate locations within Australia only. We are not involved in the manufacturing and/or importing of supplies. We do not source office staff, owner-drivers or warehouse workers from organisations that exploit workers in the ways stated above.
Our Company is committed to acting ethically in all our business dealings and relationships to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own business or, to the best of our knowledge, in any of our supply chains.
We will comply with laws relating to modern slavery and have a zero-tolerance approach. If we become aware of any such practices, we will report them to the relevant authorities immediately.